Assistant for the cohesion of a group

Group cohesion electronic box for tourism and leisure. Provides serenity and fluidity to group activities. It provides innovative and effective solutions to the problems of group travel. Some links: Groupeer Technologies le teaser (youtube)

Grains – counting vehicles for parking

What is it? It is a system of wireless and autonomous sensors (grains) which allows to locate in real time the parking places free to guide the motorists towards it. Concretely, sensors of reinforced plastic are placed on the ground at the parking places and will detect the presence of a vehicle or not thanks […]


LAN-IP / RTC router for SOHO / TPE. Processor INTEL IXP423 xSCALE ARM @ 266MHz SDRAM, FLASH, FXO / FXS Ethernet, USB Linux + TCP / IP ISDN Version: S0 / T0 – E1

cpe - wimax


Public telecommunications equipment intended to provide wireless access to the Internet. This multi-modem platform, communicates via WiMAX and Wi-Fi radio links. Allows: Internet access via the WiMAX network Local service in Wi-Fi and Ethernet Features: Configuring and customizing the environment with RfID User interface developed for the equipment for direct access to services (mails, weather, […]

High-speed radio switch

Ethernet switch cards for high-speed radio transmission and reception. Technical details of the transmitter: Insulated and redundant input power supply Microcontroller MARVELL PRESTERA 4 SFP Ethernet ports 8 outputs Ethernet POE PSE 1Gbits 2 Ethernet ports 1Gbits Output Power Receiver Technical Details: Power Supply POE Device Microcontroller MARVELL KIRKWOOD 4 Ethernet ports 1Gbits including 1 […]

Badge biométrique - preview

E-CALL biometric badge

Communication platform for secure payment or population census … Technology for the inviolable authentication of persons participating in a telephone conversation by the use of a nomadic biometric sensor. This solution and the associated computer treatments render the operations falsifiable. Composed of a badge (biometric), a terminal and an application software that ensure this authentication […]